Welcome Madilynn Dee Preston!

 Madilynn was born on Wednesday, October 26th at 10: 29am.  She weighed 7 lbs and was 17 inches long. After not feeling good  on Tuesday night I didn’t think anything of it because I had not  been feeling good for the last week. I went to bed on the couch as  usual and couldn’t sleep finally waking up at 2:30 thinking I might  be in labor. After waiting around a bit I finally woke up Landon and told him this might be it but he said ok and fell back to sleep.  20 minutes later I said I really think we might want to finish  packing our bags and getting ready. We called the Guthries at 4:00 am (our neighbors and friends from church) to come over and sleep at  our house until Eli wakes up. And we left for the hospital at 4:30.  I was really unsure if I was in labor or not. My contractions were  about 10 minutes apart and inconsistent and I didn’t want to go to  the hospital and they send me home. We live less then 5 minutes from the hospital but I didn’t want to wait around too long because I  had such a fast labor with Eli I didn’t want this baby to drop out  of me on the way. : ) I knew once my contractions started really  going that it wouldn’t be too long until she arrived. When we got  to the hospital I wasn’t ready to go in yet so we ran by McDonalds  for Landon to get coffee and a biscuit and decided to play checkers in the car and walked around the parking lot for about an hour and half. We finally checked in and got to our room at 6:30 am and  contractions were getting closer to 5 minutes apart and consistent.  I knew I wanted to try to go natural again and not get any pain  medicine so I was prepared for the work ahead. When they asked me my pain tolerance at that point on a scale of 1-10, 4 being I need  medicine and 10 meaning I want to cut my leg off, I said a 2, knowing that I wasn’t ready for medicine yet. They later told me no one  rates their pain as a 2 and normally stays in the hospital and  doesn’t get sent home. However, once they hooked me up to the  monitor I was actually having contractions every 2 minutes and  feeling the harder ones every 5 minutes. When we arrived our Doctor  was on call and we feel so blessed to have him with us over the past  9 months. He prayed over the delivery with us and was a great encouragement to see him. However, it was time to change doctors on call and he wasn’t going to be able to deliver Madilynn. I started out at 3 centimeters when I arrived and went to 10 centimeters by 10:00 and she was born at 10:29 am. We had a wonderful doctor deliver and everything went as smooth as possible. Landon did a GREAT job  helping me through each contraction and was a real big help at the  end while pushing. I’m so grateful for a healthy and wonderful baby  girl!!

~ by slpreston on November 5, 2011.

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